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What is Poor Leg Circulation?

Millions of Americans live with and suffer from symptoms associated with poor circulation, but many of them don’t realize the impact that poor blood flow is having on their lives.

What are the symptoms of poor circulation?

  • Numbness or a feeling of pins and needles in the hands, feet, or toes
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Tired or heavy feeling legs
  • Hair Loss on your legs and feet
  • Dry, itchy, pale, bluish or reddish looking Skin
  • Edema or swelling in the feet and legs
  • Varicose Veins and slow healing sores
  • Muscle Cramps and Lower Leg Pain

Common causes of poor circulation

  • Age

    From our 30s onwards, our body composition starts to change - we begin to lose muscle mass, muscle strength and endurance.

  • Medical conditions

    High blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, can affect the blood vessels and restrict the normal flow of blood causing poor circulation.

  • Sitting or Standing

    Sitting or standing for long periods can significantly slow down blood flow, with the extremities like the feet, legs and hands the first to be affected by the lack of fresh oxygen and nutrients, resulting in poor leg circulation.

How can Ublives SoleFlux Relax help?

Ublives SoleFulx Relax air compression boots use a sequential inflation and deflation mechanism, which mimics the natural muscle contractions and relaxations that occur during physical activity.

This action stimulates blood flow, drawing fresh oxygenated blood into the feet and legs through the arteries, while promoting the return of waste products and carbon dioxide back to the heart via the veins.

  • Improves circulation
  • Relieves aches and pains
  • Improves leg muscle strength and endurance

See your Doctor if your symptoms persist.

  • Successful Clinical Trials

  • Drug-Free

  • FDA-Cleared Medical Device

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